Sku: 08.12
Dimensions: 130 X 10 X 90 H cm
Weight: 50 kg
Material: Reconstituted marble
Author: Anónimo
References: M.J. Almagro, Museo de Reproducciones Artísticas : Catálogo del arte clásico, Madrid, Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Archivos, Subdirección General de Museos, 2000, n. 62, pp. 87-88.
Price: 1393 €
Description: It is the main relief of the Ludovisi throne. The original work, in marble, was made c. 460 B.C. and comes from the Villa Ludovisi (Rome). It belongs to the National Roman Museum in Rome since it was bought by the Italian Government in 1894.